Webped Borzoi Heritage Database
Index to iPedigrees
I'Babouchka v Lichtenval [Bio]
I'Baccara v Lichtenval [Bio]
I'Barbara v Lichtenval [Bio]
I'Blietska v Lichtenval (LOSH519267) [Bio]
I'Boris v Lichtenval [Bio]
I'Cztrédalhi v Wisinskaja [Bio]
I'Koura du Cot Regnier (Fr>Ger) [Bio]
Iablokov du Zorlai (LOSH519442) [Bio]
Iaga de Norois (Swiss > Finn) [Bio]
Iakal [1978 Swed] [Bio]
Iakal (Swed > US) [Bio]
Ian [Bio]
Ian Gandolf of Aeolous [Bio]
Ianoff de Csar Holstein [Bio]
Iariska de Kouznetsk [Bio]
Iaroslas de la Marie Gratton [Bio]
Iaroslav du Cot Regnier [Bio]
Ibaschani v Ursulinental [Bio]
Iblisse de Norois (SHSB 1962) [Bio]
Ice Show of Index [Bio]
Icefires Illusion [Bio]
Ice n Fyre von Goldhof [Bio]
Icicle's Centre Ice [Bio]
Icicle's Ice Time [Bio]
Icicle's Kishniga Cold Cash [Bio]
Ida des Mariettes [Bio]
Ideal z Palatinu [Bio]
Idesia Gatschina [Bio]
Ido [Bio]
Idolcha [Bio]
Idole de la Jaysiniat [Bio]
Idun (Beerendonk) [Bio]
Ielka v Troybhiko(68) [Bio]
Ielka v Troybhiko (76) [Bio]
Ieronimus du Zorlai [Bio]
Iezdra (Baranoff) [Bio]
Iezdra (Baranova) [Bio]
Iezfer v Rianshof [Bio]
Iezloebljennij v Rianshof [Bio]
Ighor v Troybhiko [Bio]
Igolka de Laika des Tsars [Bio]
Igollka Ataman Jaworownje [Bio]
Igor [2003 Swed] [Bio]
Igor Adams [Bio]
Igor Alexander [Bio]
Igor Cyrill Heidesturm [Bio]
Igor De Nikolaiev (Fr > US) [Bio]
Igor (Haarsma) [Bio]
Igor Iggovitch Dironi [Bio]
Igor Imladris [Bio]
Igor Iran Krasnoje Selo [Bio]
Igor Ismailoff [Bio]
Igor Kalinow [Bio]
Igor Krasnoje Selo [Bio]
Igor (Laitinen) [Bio]
Igor (Madyke) [Bio]
Igor Mai Flower [Bio]
Igor Nikolskoi [Bio]
Igor Ozaroff [Bio]
Igor Rurik Nicolai [Bio]
Igor(Smits) [Bio]
Igor Strawinsky v Kastanja [Bio]
Igor Trashnoff [Bio]
Igor Trotsky [Bio]
Igor Van De Emelenberg (Dutch) [Bio]
Igor Wergei [Bio]
Igor Wotun [Bio]
Igor al Nihar [Bio]
Igor aus der Taiga [Bio]
Igor de Laika des Tsars (LOSH512402) [Bio]
Igor de Norois (SHSB 1962) [Bio]
Igor de Saudosa [Bio]
Igor des Trois Chênes [Bio]
Igor (de Vries) [Bio]
Igoref Fernac [Bio]
Igor of Aristoff [Bio]
Igorof Iacob [Bio]
Igorof Ialmar [Bio]
Igorof Iarnac [Bio]
Igorof Ibis [Bio]
Igorof Ielena [Bio]
Igorof Ierker [Bio]
Igorof Iochum (Nor>Finn>Eng) [Bio]
Igorof Iwica [Bio]
Igor of Matalona [Bio]
Igor of Moscowa [Bio]
Igoroff [Swed 1980] [Bio]
Igorowitsch v Kimcha [Bio]
Igorowitsj v Troybhiko [Bio]
Igor v Bergedorf [Bio]
Igor v Bergland [Bio]
Igor v Bocksfelde [Bio]
Igor v Kimcha [Bio]
Igor v Kornalowa [Bio]
Igor v Oranje [Bio]
Igor v Peter Iljitshof [Bio]
Igor v Samarkand [Bio]
Igor v St Mauritius [Bio]
Igor v Treesenwald [Bio]
Igor v Triumfus Dyonisos [Bio]
Igor v Troybhiko(68) [Bio]
Igor v Troybhiko (76) [Bio]
Igor v Troybhiko (87) [Bio]
Igor v Troybhiko (89) [Bio]
Igor v d Emelenberg [Bio]
Igor v d Hirschlache [Bio]
Igor (v d Veen) [Bio]
Igor v d Veldjagertjes [Bio]
Igor v d Zilverstand [Bio]
Igo v Haslachhof [Bio]
Igra Ataman Jaworownje [Bio]
Igrai-Iar [Bio]
Igrai Kaskad [Bio]
Igrai-Luty [Bio]
Igrai Skazka (Russia>Austrl) [Bio]
Igraika Krasai [Bio]
Igraika Lubka [Bio]
Igrok Ataman Jaworownje [Bio]
Igrunja [Bio]
Igrunja (Grischina) (USSR) [Bio]
Igrunja [SUL-345] [Bio]
Igruschka Alexander [Bio]
Igruschka Ataman Jaworownje [Bio]
Igruschka Frisia Pascholl [Bio]
Igruschka Nikolskoi [Bio]
Igruschka od Nadyeschda [Bio]
Igruschka v Triumfus Dyonisos [Bio]
Ihsan v Troybhiko [Bio]
Ijja v Bischofsteich [Bio]
Ijoa v Bischofsteich [Bio]
Ikanew v Ursulinental [Bio]
Ikanova de Kouznetsk [Bio]
Ikar (Galitskij)(USSR) (1128 / bp) [Bio]
Ikaros Ural [Bio]
Ikarus v Ursulinental [Bio]
Ikarus v d Solitude [Bio]
Ike (Bulg) [Bio]
Ikfihrara Azuma z Neustejna [Bio]
Ikfirahra Azima Azra z Neustejna [Bio]
Il Est Royal de Champmol [Bio]
Ila's Calipso [Bio]
Ila's Feigileh [Bio]
Ila's Gentle Giant Twin Elms [Bio]
Ila's Mona Lisa [Bio]
Ila's Ochi Charnia of Twin Elms [Bio]
Ilan's Willow in the Wind [Bio]
Ilanja's Aleksandra [Bio]
Ilanja's Alexander [Bio]
Ilanja's Andruska [Bio]
Ilanja's Balanda [Bio]
Ilanja's Bielka [Bio]
Ilanja's Boris [Bio]
Ilanja's Cassandra [Bio]
Ilanja's Chiamaera [Bio]
Ilanja's Dabashan [Bio]
Ilanja's Danjez [Bio]
Ilanja's Demjana [Bio]
Ilanja's Dersina [Bio]
Ilanja's Dimitroff [Bio]
Ilanja's Domovoj [Bio]
Ilanja's Dunjaschka [Bio]
Ilanja's Feofar [Bio]
Ilanja's Ilanja [Bio]
Ilanja's Jasnaya [Bio]
Ilanja's Kolpic [Bio]
Ilanja's Krechit [Bio]
Ilanow v Ursulinental [Bio]
Ildirim [Bio]
Ilenor du Zorlai [Bio]
Ileskajanina Dell'Antico Elfo [Bio]
Ilga [Bio]
Ilia's Pharo of Len Nies [Bio]
Ilia's Raisha Von Ilsa [Bio]
Ilia's Tasha Von Ilsa [Bio]
Iliad of Woodcourt [Bio]
Ilja(Bynander) [Bio]
Ilja (Hoogma) [Bio]
Ilja Ismailoff [Bio]
Ilja Nasj Sabiaka [Bio]
Ilja Nikolskoi [Bio]
Ilja (Peussens) [Bio]
Ilja Ural [Bio]
Ilja Verdandi-Skoelds-Hof [Bio]
Ilja Wergei [Bio]
Ilja al Nihar [Bio]
Ilja aus der Taiga [Bio]
Iljaidem Zjoltaja Krasota [Bio]
Iljanda(Baars) [Bio]
Ilja of Golden West [Bio]
Ilja of Sunbarr Ranch [Bio]
Iljaschka Alexander [Bio]
Iljasko v Troybhiko [Bio]
Ilja v Adelheid [Bio]
Ilja v Bergland (Ger>US) [Bio]
Ilja v Elsternhof [Bio]
Ilja v Issyk-Kul [Bio]
Ilja v Lomnitzkaja [Bio]
Ilja v Mitsjoerinsk [Bio]
Ilja v St Mauritius [Bio]
Ilja v Troybhiko [Bio]
Ilja v d Veldjagertjes [Bio]
Iljenkow aus dem Zarenreich [Bio]
Iljitsch v Piroschka [Bio]
Iljitsj v d Adelweelde [Bio]
Iljitsj v d Zilverstrand [Bio]
Iljits v Troybhiko(68) [Bio]
Iljits v Troybhiko (76) [Bio]
Iljoschka Wotun [Bio]
Iljuscha v Silberhof [Bio]
Iljuschin Gatschina [Bio]
Iljuschin al Nihar [Bio]
Iljuschin aus dem Zarenreich [Bio]
Ilka Bielaja [Bio]
Ilka Heidesturm [Bio]
Ilka Ismailoff [Bio]
Ilka Sieg [Bio]
Ilka Slava Moja Gordost [Bio]
Ilka (Weber) [Bio]
Ilka de Zarskoje Selo [Bio]
Ilka of Romanoff [Bio]
Ilka v Bergland [Bio]
Ilka v Döllnitztal [Bio]
Ilka v Gilbahar [Bio]
Ilka v Piroschka [Bio]
Ilka v Triumfus Dyonisos [Bio]
Ilko Wergei [Bio]
Ilko aus dem Zarenreich [Bio]
Illa des Barines [Bio]
Illarion Shadowfax Abby [Bio]
Illarion Tour Jette [Bio]
Illayna v Troybhiko [Bio]
Ille Wergei [Bio]
Illia de Norois (SHSB 1962) [Bio]
Illiad of Woodcourt [Bio]
Illiakof de Csar Holstein [Bio]
Illja Wotun [Bio]
Illjah v Mitsjoerinsk [Bio]
Illjitsch Liana of Bordonsky (Ned>CKC) [Bio]
Illjitsch Zarah of Bordonsky [Bio]
Illo Wergei [Bio]
Illonka Ural [Bio]
Illo v Elsternhof [Bio]
Illo v Sorüp [Bio]
Illusion's Fame And Fortune [Bio]
Illusion's Fatal Attraction [Bio]
Illusion's Felicia [Bio]
Illusion's Flatfoot Sam [Bio]
Illusion's Fortunate Son [Bio]
Illusion's Fragile [Bio]
Illusion's Freight Train [Bio]
Illusion's Footprints In The Snow [Bio]
Illyaan of Aristoff [Bio]
Illyana of Aristoff [Bio]
Illyana of Volga [Bio]
Illya of Rancho Gabriel [Bio]
Illyria de la Huchelotte [Bio]
Ilna v Bergland [Bio]
Iloff Wergei [Bio]
Iloff v Bergland [Bio]
Ilona Ismailoff [Bio]
Ilona Narewka [Bio]
Ilona al Nihar [Bio]
Ilona v Bergedorf [Bio]
Ilona v Karamasow [Bio]
Ilona v Liatkove [Bio]
Ilona v d Boterhoek [Bio]
Ilonka Wergei [Bio]
Ilonka al Nihar [Bio]
Ilonka de Ruwendael [Bio]
Ilonka v Bergland (DWZ > US) [Bio]
Ilonka v Bischofsteich [Bio]
Ilonka v Brisonka [Bio]
Ilonka v Karamasow [Bio]
Ilonka v Piroschka [Bio]
Ilreb Sergei Smirnov [Bio]
Ilse Kassaky (1908 Russ > Germany [Bio]
Ilse v Gut Oberndorf-Streitberg [Bio]
Iltitjina-Zbrowska [Olagus] [Bio]
Iltitotnod Zbrowska [Bio]
Ilya (1918) [Bio]
Ilya II [Bio]
Ilya II (1926) [Bio]
Ilya Murometz of Dana Dan [Bio]
Ilya of Hensey Hobby Farm [Bio]
Ilya of Mantavani [Bio]
Ilyovna Perchino [Bio]
I'm Sorbie's Kazan Kalinka [Bio]
I'm Sorbie's Kelda Kalinka [Bio]
I'm Sorbie's Kiev Kalinka [Bio]
I'm Sorbie's Kyall Kalinka [Bio]
Ima Kostenov Wild Horse [Bio]
Image of The Borzoi Place [Bio]
Image of The Hills [Bio]
Imagine Calypso Of The Sea [Bio]
Imagine Chryseis Of Troy [Bio]
Imagine Homer's Tales [Bio]
Imagine's Priam Of Willowwind [Bio]
Imagine Trojan Horse [Bio]
Imagine Warrior Hektor [Bio]
Imand v Smétanka [Bio]
Imanova v Troybhiko [Bio]
Imanov v Troybhiko [Bio]
Ima of Ukrainia [Bio]
Imjatkin v Triumfus Dyonisos [Bio]
Immam v Silberhof [Bio]
Immensikoff of Drew Farm [Bio]
Immerwach Nadja (of Bacaret) (Finn>Eng) [Bio]
Immo v Bergedorf [Bio]
Immo v Silberhof [Bio]
Imogen Narewka [Bio]
Imogen v Tollhaus [Bio]
Impe [Bio]
Imperator Polot [Bio]
Imperator de Champmol [Bio]
Imperia (*) [Bio]
Imperia de Champmol [Bio]
Imperial's Amadeus Mozart [Bio]
Imperial's Amazing Czar [Bio]
Imperial's April Rose [Bio]
Imperial Asimov [Bio]
Imperial's Bbyzantium Fire [Bio]
Imperial Bogatyr [Bio]
Imperial's Flamenco Fire [Bio]
Imperial Myzoy [Bio]
Imperial Princess Bride [Bio]
Imperial Wolf Hunter [Bio]
Imperialist of Woodcourt (Eng To Aust) [Bio]
Imzadza z Neustejna [Bio]
Ina Ilja Krasnoje Selo [Bio]
Ina [KCSB 1897] [Bio]
Ina Krasnoje Selo [Bio]
Ina (Linthorst-Homan) [Bio]
Ina Narewka [Bio]
Inalowa v Troybhiko [Bio]
Inara Gatschina [Bio]
Ina v Treesenwald [Bio]
Ina v Wallhall [Bio]
Ina v Wolgatal [Bio]
Inay (Weitering) [Bio]
Inca Jo Ao of Vala Rama [Bio]
Inca Jo El of Phantom Lake [Bio]
Inca Jo Lyn of Val Hi [Bio]
Inch des Mariettes [Bio]
Inconnu Ellebeank [Bio]
Independence (1904) [Bio]
Index Anastasia of Lanclare [Bio]
Indian Cherokee Modnyabistru [Bio]
Indian Heartland Of Borzoi-PL [Bio]
Indigo Silkenswift Solarflare [Bio]
Indomitable Dom Of Wildwood [Bio]
Indra Jivita [Bio]
Indra's Kolchak [Bio]
Indra's Natascha [Bio]
Indra v Bergland [Bio]
Indra v Bocksfelde [Bio]
Indus v Döllnitztal [Bio]
Indygo Irtysz Polot [Bio]
Ines Frisia Pascholl [Bio]
Ines Pascholl [Bio]
Ine Sonnenberg [Bio]
Inessa of Lamac [Bio]
Inez Gajaneta [Bio]
Infantin v Ursulinental [Bio]
Infant of Sunbarr Ranch [Bio]
Infant v Silberhof [Bio]
Inga (Bodraschova) (USSR) [Bio]
Inga v Döllnitztal [Bio]
Inge of Romanoff [Bio]
Ingledene I'm Real At Zafonic An [Bio]
Ingledene Carolina Moon At Toffs [Bio]
Ingledene Impresario [Bio]
Ingo Conte Molodjez [Bio]
Ingo-Durac v Mühlrain [Bio]
Ingo Ismailoff [Bio]
Ingo Rasmus [Bio]
Ingo Windsbraut [Bio]
Ingolf v d Warnow [Bio]
Ingo v Bergland [Bio]
Ingo v Bocksfelde [Bio]
Ingo v Elsternhof [Bio]
Ingo v Karamasow [Bio]
Ingo v Lentevreugde [Bio]
Ingo v Treesenwald [Bio]
Ingo v Ulmenried [Bio]
Ingo v Vredewold [Bio]
Ingo v Weinberg [Bio]
Ingrid of Fortrouge [Bio]
Ingul (Filippskikh V A) (USSR) [Bio]
Ingvald's Prince [Bio]
Inholit (Burger) [Bio]
Inidu's Crocodile Rock [Bio]
Inidu's Precious and Few [Bio]
Inina v Piroschka [Bio]
Ininoschka v Troybhiko [Bio]
Inja Ataman Jaworownje [Bio]
Injaschka v Piroschka [Bio]
Inja v Sachalin [Bio]
Injo v Königsforst [Bio]
Inka [Bio]
Inka Comtesse Molodjez [Bio]
Inka v Bergland [Bio]
Inka v Bischofsteich [Bio]
Inka v Elsternhof [Bio]
Inka v Treesenwald [Bio]
Inokinia v Gilbahar [Bio]
Inok v Gilbahar [Bio]
Inouchka De Czar Holstein [Bio]
Inouchka Du Grand Fresnoy [Bio]
Inouchka v Wisinskaja [Bio]
Inouschka v Ursulinental [Bio]
Insight's Aluscka Almaz [Bio]
Insight's Brinka [Bio]
Insight's Catherine the Great [Bio]
Insights Christinov [Bio]
Insight's Cujo Karatai [Bio]
Insights Daluschka Almaz (Can>US) [Bio]
Insight's Elbereth Githoniel [Bio]
Insight's Eloquent Man [Bio]
Insight's Erie Chernenkoff [Bio]
Insight's Eros [Bio]
Insight's Frodo Baggins [Bio]
Insight's Gandalf of Elista [Bio]
Insight's Gilmore [Bio]
Insight's Glimmering Light [Bio]
Insight's Grand Illusion [Bio]
Insight's Greystoke of Elmden [Bio]
Insight's Guns and Roses [Bio]
Insight's Haragorn Rider [Bio]
Insight's Hecuva [Bio]
Insight's Helenka [Bio]
Insight's Heretic at Regius [Bio]
Insight's Here to Eternity [Bio]
Insight's Honeysuckle Rose [Bio]
Insight's Icart Image [Bio]
Insight's Icon of Calle Del (Can>US) [Bio]
Insight's Illustration [Bio]
Insight's Indis of Wynsellier (Can>US) [Bio]
Insight's Indiana J [Bio]
Insight's Inge [Bio]
Insight's Insignia (Can>US) [Bio]
Insight's Isabella Rohnoke [Bio]
Insight's Ivadon Cresset [Bio]
Insight's Ivanna of Attaway [Bio]
Insights Magnificent Marnie [Bio]
Insight's Misty Mountain Top [Bio]
Insights Quicksilver [Bio]
Insights Sebastion Alexi [Bio]
Intelligent [Bio]
Intent Archer [Bio]
Interes Aristion-Bohemia [Bio]
Internationala Nijinski (Czech) [Bio]
Internaz [Bio]
Intrigue's Bare Essence [Bio]
Intrigue Thunder O't Horizen [Bio]
Inuschka Kalinow [Bio]
Inushka v d Sabatchnaja Izba [Bio]
Inverness Havoc [Bio]
Inverness Keen [Bio]
Inverness Reign Of Amberwind [Bio]
Inverness Risk [Bio]
Invibe's Abochkov (Bengtsson) [Bio]
Invibe's Achenka [Bio]
Invibe's Aleksenkov [Bio]
Invibe's A'mirjoz [Bio]
Invibe's A'mirjoza [Bio]
Invibe's Arlowskij [Bio]
Invibe's Aronskij [Bio]
Invibe's Awochka (Bengtsson) [Bio]
Invibe's Aworzev [Bio]
Invibe's Azokova (Bengtsson) [Bio]
Invibe's Be-Beautiful [Bio]
Invibe's Be-Zmart [Bio]
Invibe's Chatrotova [Bio]
Invibe's Chatsrevin [Bio]
Invibe's Chirlona [Bio]
Invibe's Cjukovskaja [Bio]
Invibe's Crytovna [Bio]
Invibe's Csbaznaja [Bio]
Invibe's Csergejevna [Bio]
Invibe's Cspiridonova [Bio]
Invibe's Cznadjevna [Bio]
Invibe's Daganevitj [Bio]
Invibe's Djabusjinskij [Bio]
Invibe's Doztojevskij [Bio]
Invibe's Dsvetajeva [Bio]
Invibe's Dubjanka [Bio]
Invibe's Dzalkanova [Bio]
Invibe's Edjakov [Bio]
Invibe's Ejezjova [Bio]
Invibe's Ernestovitj [Bio]
Invibe's Erodnaja [Bio]
Invibe's Esjevzjenko [Bio]
Invibe's Esopovitj [Bio]
Invibe's Etjanova [Bio]
Invibe's Evavilov [Bio]
Invibe's Ezinovjev [Bio]
Invibe's Ezjenja [Bio]
Invibe's Fadejev [Bio]
Invibe's Faldaij [Bio]
Invibe's Faltascha [Bio]
Invibe's Farosa [Bio]
Invibe's Feborova [Bio]
Invibe's Fedruschka [Bio]
Invibe's Fellow [Bio]
Invibe's Ferbatov [Bio]
Invibe's Fertji [Bio]
Invibe's Freak [Bio]
Invibe's Gaijur [Bio]
Invibe's Ganija [Bio]
Invibe's Ganijatova [Bio]
Invibe's Gazada [Bio]
Invibe's Geviatjarow [Bio]
Invibe's Gileena [Bio]
Invibe's Gilga [Bio]
Invibe's Gilgamesch [Bio]
Invibe's Haijascha [Bio]
Invibe's Haischa [Bio]
Invibe's Hajak [Bio]
Invibe's Hamitra [Bio]
Invibe's Heidi [Bio]
Invibe's Heila [Bio]
Invibe's Helanka [Bio]
Invibe's Holzky [Bio]
Inwanoff Krasnoje Selo [Bio]
Iode de Ker Saint Mesmes [Bio]
Iolanta v Kornalowa [Bio]
Ionsky of Volga [Bio]
Iouri de Laika des Tsars [Bio]
Ioury [Bio]
Ioury Kalinow [Bio]
Iouzek des Barines [Bio]
Iovan Didenko of Eleganza [Bio]
Iozrob [1978 Swed] [Bio]
Iozrob Jessica's Treasure [Bio]
Iozrob Mandolin Wind [Bio]
Iozrob Secret Rendezvous [Bio]
Ipatrova of Yadasar [Bio]
Ipupo [Bio]
Irak v Silberhof [Bio]
Iran Bielaja [Bio]
Iran Krasnoje Selo [Bio]
Iran Perchino (Russ>Ger) [Bio]
Irana Allwind [Bio]
Iran v Gofrednel [Bio]
Iran v Gut Oberndorf-Streitberg [Bio]
Iran v Königsforst [Bio]
Iran v Tajmyr [Bio]
Irasa de Kouznetsk [Bio]
Ira v Bergland [Bio]
Ira v Döllnitztal [Bio]
Irbis [USSR 1026] [Bio]
Irbita v Smétanka [Bio]
Irca (Boogaards) [Bio]
Ireal Godeskoff [Bio]
Irena aus dem Zarenreich [Bio]
Irene v Karamasow [Bio]
Irene v Lentevreugde [Bio]
Irenka Gatschina [Bio]
Iris Allwind [Bio]
Iris (Russ 1368) [Bio]
Iris Sonneberg [Bio]
Iris [USSR 1583] [Bio]
Iris Ural [Bio]
Iriada (DKK22776/81) [Bio]
Iriada (Russ PKOC S019/79) [Bio]
Iric III [Bio]
Irina Adams [Bio]
Irina Alexander [Bio]
Irina De Norois (SHSB 1962) [Bio]
Irina (LOI.LD7938) [Bio]
Irina Sibirsk [Bio]
Irina Tamara Poraschaiovna [Bio]
Irina Wergei [Bio]
Irina al Nihar [Bio]
Irinakyzimova del Gran Pamir [Bio]
Irin aus der Taiga [Bio]
Irina v Bischofsteich [Bio]
Irina v Bocksfelde [Bio]
Irina v Döllnitztal [Bio]
Irina v Piroschka [Bio]
Irina v Treesenwald [Bio]
Irina v d Emelenberg [Bio]
Irina v 't Garstehof [Bio]
Irinsky v Troybhiko [Bio]
Irisa z Larisova [Bio]
Irishbrook O'Flanningans Angel [Bio]
Irishbrook Aashtoria Cassis [Bio]
Irishbrook Angel Eyes [Bio]
Irishbrook Aashtoria Marseille [Bio]
Irishbrook Charlie My Boy [Bio]
Irishbrook Kalarney [Bio]
Irishbrook Lovely Lady [Bio]
Irishbrook Micky Finn [Bio]
Irishbrook O'Angels Fox [Bio]
Irishbrook O'Angels Out Of The Blue [Bio]
Irishbrook O'Bridgetts Angel [Bio]
Irishbrook O'Edies Angel [Bio]
Irishbrook O'Favorite Angel [Bio]
Irishbrook O'Guardian Angel [Bio]
Irishbrook O'Hollys Angel [Bio]
Irishbrook O'Michaels Angel [Bio]
Irishbrook O'Streaking Angel [Bio]
Irishbrook Whisky Chaser WNS [Bio]
Iristan's Olga (8-24 As Olga of Carzon) [Bio]
Iris v Troybhiko [Bio]
Irivin of Hensey Hobby Farm [Bio]
Iris z Jaksova [Bio]
Irkan aus dem Zarenreich [Bio]
Irkutsk [Bio]
Irkutsk of Kranjcevich [Bio]
Irkutsk v Smétanka [Bio]
Irlo v Bergland [Bio]
Irma (Barthill) [Bio]
Irma (Hubbard 1897) [Bio]
Irma Sayeroff [Bio]
Irmak (1902) [Bio]
Irma v d Groote Heeze [Bio]
Irmin v Silberhof [Bio]
Iron-Azkhja [2001 Swed] [Bio]
Ironie Ural [Bio]
Iroquois of Phantom Lake [Bio]
Irresistably Devine [Bio]
Irrlicht Ural [Bio]
Irsa (Attamann x Tschessina) [Bio]
Irsa Moja Gordost [Bio]
Irsa Sieg [Bio]
Irtisch Siglavi [Bio]
Irvine des Mariettes [Bio]
Isa Hassia [Bio]
Isa O'Valley Farm [Bio]
Isaac [Bio]
Isabella Borzoilini [Bio]
Isabella Heidesturm [Bio]
Isabell al Nihar [Bio]
Isabella of Lenoken [Bio]
Isabella v d Barsoihoeve [Bio]
Isabella v d Hirschlache [Bio]
Isabell v Treesenwald [Bio]
Isabel of Oak-Backwood [Bio]
Isadora D of Mulberry Street [Bio]
Isadora Siglavi [Bio]
Isadora de Nikolaiev (Fr) [Bio]
Isar Imladris [Bio]
Isard Stepowy Goniec (Pol) [Bio]
Isa v Döllnitztal [Bio]
Isa v Elsternhof [Bio]
Isbanova du Grand Fresnoy [Bio]
Ischka (Stärke)(By Harras) [Bio]
Ischty (Rudneff) [Bio]
Ischweska v Smétanka [Bio]
Ischyma Alyne [Bio]
Ischyma Balagur [Bio]
Ischyma Camargue [Bio]
Ischyma Comtess [Bio]
Ischyma Esprit [Bio]
Ischyma Evelns Star over Jamarqui [Bio]
Ischyma Fandango [Bio]
Ischyma Gagarin [Bio]
Ischyma Heiduck [Bio]
Ischyma Hitan Rayen [Bio]
Ischyma Irtysch [Bio]
Ischyma puppies [Bio]
Ischyma v Smétanka [Bio]
Isdra Irma Krasnoje Selo [Bio]
Isdra Perchino (Russ?) [Bio]
Ishushiy Drakinov's Tornado [Bio]
Ishushiy Drakonov's Adhara [Bio]
Ishushiy Drakonov's Alizé [Bio]
Ishushiy Drakonov's Antares [Bio]
Ishushiy Drakonov's Chara [Bio]
Ishushiy Drakonov's Cyclone [Bio]
Ishushiy Drakonov's Deneb [Bio]
Ishushiy Drakonov's Hadar [Bio]
Ishushiy Drakonov's Hurricane [Bio]
Ishushiy Drakonov's Meissa [Bio]
Ishushiy Drakonov's Mistral [Bio]
Ishushiy Drakonov's Monsoon [Bio]
Ishushiy Drakonov's Nashira [Bio]
Ishushiy Drakonov's Polaris [Bio]
Ishushiy Drakonov's Sabik [Bio]
Ishushiy Drakonov's Typhoon [Bio]
Ishushiy Drakonov's Storm Litter [Bio]
Isica des Mariettes [Bio]
Isja Wergei [Bio]
Iska Wergei [Bio]
Iskan v Bergedorf [Bio]
Iskara (Kuizenga) [Bio]
Iskateil Okhotnik [Bio]
Iskatjel v Gilbahar [Bio]
Iskra (1897) [Bio]
Iskra Almaska [Bio]
Iskra's Aristokrat [Bio]
Iskra's Aspa [Bio]
Iskra's Banja [Bio]
Iskra's Blizzi [Bio]
Iskra's Bodar [Bio]
Iskra's Bodo [Bio]
Iskra's Boris [Bio]
Iskra's Britta [Bio]
Iskra's Cita Sonja [Bio]
Iskra's Cocco Favorit [Bio]
Iskra's Comtesse Fedja [Bio]
Iskra's Czak Fedor [Bio]
Iskra's Czar Fetisch [Bio]
Iskra's Czarizza Flinke [Bio]
Iskra (Galitzan) [Bio]
Iskra's Harry [Bio]
Iskra's Harum [Bio]
Iskra's Henriette [Bio]
Iskra's Hesta [Bio]
Iskra's Hitry [Bio]
Iskra's Horats-Rassboy [Bio]
Iskra (Innes-Ker KCSB) [Bio]
Iskra (Iva) (Androseff) (USSR) [Bio]
Iskra Kalinow [Bio]
Iskra (Rus) (D P Waltzoff) [Bio]
Iskra Sibirsk [Bio]
Iskra Stepowy Goniec [Bio]
Iskra (USSR) (1014 / bp) [Bio]
Iskra Wergei [Bio]
Iskra v Gilbahar [Bio]
Iskra v Hermesschloss [Bio]
Iskra v Piroschka [Bio]
Iskra v Vredewold [Bio]
Iskry (USSR) [Bio]
Islamey of The Moorlands [Bio]
Islaya Gatschina [Bio]
Islaya v Triumfus Dyonisos [Bio]
Isliet (Levteroff - Kiev) (USSR) [Bio]
Isloff Wergei [Bio]
Isma Beresina [Bio]
Isma-Beresina v Wemak [Bio]
Isma Bielaja [Bio]
Isma II Beresina [Bio]
Isma Ilonka Krasnoje Selo [Bio]
Isma Ismailoff [Bio]
Isma Krasnoje Selo [Bio]
Isma Sinjawa [Bio]
Isma Sonnenberg [Bio]
Ismailoff v Piroschka [Bio]
Ismailow Alexander [Bio]
Isma v Bergland [Bio]
Isma v Bocksfelde [Bio]
Isma v Königsforst [Bio]
Isma v Piroschka [Bio]
Isma v Samarkand [Bio]
Isma v d Elde [Bio]
Ismena Alexander [Bio]
Ismena Gatschina [Bio]
Ismene Iskra Krasnoje Selo [Bio]
Ismene Windsbraut [Bio]
Ismene v Königsforst [Bio]
Isolde of Rancho Gabriel [Bio]
Isolde v Bergedorf [Bio]
Isoline [Bio]
Iso v Elsternhof [Bio]
Isra v Troybhiko [Bio]
Issa Wergei [Bio]
Issabella Krylov [Bio]
Issa of Matalona [Bio]
Isskra Nikolskoi [Bio]
Istar v St Mauritius [Bio]
Istoff Wergei [Bio]
Istra Bielaja [Bio]
Istra (Levterov) (USSR) [Bio]
Istra Siglavi [Bio]
Istra Wilkaja [Bio]
Istra v Bergland [Bio]
Istra v Slowanja [Bio]
Istra v Troybhiko [Bio]
Istvan aus der Taiga [Bio]
Istvan v Issyk-Kul [Bio]
Istvan v St Mauritius [Bio]
Istvestija v Bischofsteich [Bio]
Istvoi aus dem Zarenreich [Bio]
Istwan v d Solitude [Bio]
Isvara (Sadkova) (USSR) L 341 [Bio]
Itak (Rudneva)(USSR) [Bio]
Itak Velikolepny [Bio]
Iti Inherit The Wind of Enkara [Bio]
Itka v Oranje (Sw>USSR) [Bio]
Ito v d Hirschlache [Bio]
Itta des Barines [Bio]
Ivagner of Yadasar [Bio]
Ivan (1896) [Bio]
Ivan [1960] [Bio]
Ivan [1980] [Bio]
Ivan [2003 Swed] [Bio]
Ivan Almaz [Bio]
Ivan Bunin [Bio]
Ivan {Can?] [Bio]
Ivan Charodav [Bio]
Ivan De Kenwood [Bio]
Ivan De Nikolaiev [Bio]
Ivan's Georgi Zhukov [Bio]
Ivan-Huchschco [Bio]
Ivan II [1897] [Bio]
Ivan II (AKC) [Bio]
Ivan II [France > KCSB 1885] [Bio]
Ivan III [1901] [Bio]
Ivan III [KCSB 1890] [Bio]
Ivan II of Romanoff [Bio]
Ivan II v d Kynastburg [Bio]
Ivan [ILP3553] [Bio]
Ivan (Innes-Ker)[KCSB before 1886] [Bio]
Ivan Ivanavitch (Imp) (Ped Unknown) [Bio]
Ivan Ivanowitsch v Kastanja [Bio]
Ivan Kalmountshy Belderoff [Bio]
Ivan Kameneff [Bio]
Ivan Karahaz Gereko [Bio]
Ivan Kharkov of Fosteria [Bio]
Ivan Kormanoff [Bio]
Ivan Montezuma (1914) [Bio]
Ivan Nightsong [Bio]
Ivan Petruskey [KCSB 1899] [Bio]
Ivan Raven Wolf Kadava [Bio]
Ivan Siglavi [Bio]
Ivan Sonneberg [Bio]
Ivan The Great II [Bio]
Ivan The Russian [Bio]
Ivan The Terrible III [Bio]
Ivan The Terrible of Silva [Bio]
Ivan (Theunissen) [Bio]
Ivan Turgeneff [Bio]
Ivan Velieki [Bio]
Ivan Zotzman [Bio]
Ivana Atlanta of Del Jer [Bio]
Ivana of Kalinka [Bio]
Ivanda of Yadasar [Bio]
Ivanhoe's Chances Are [Bio]
Ivanhoe's Fly By Ammellia [Bio]
Ivanhoe's Merry Maggdellynne [Bio]
Ivanhoe Of Thornfield [Bio]
Ivanhoe's Pollyanna Firefly [Bio]
Ivanka Leyton [Bio]
Ivanna De Norois (Swiss>Fin) [Bio]
Ivanna of Lazy Acres [Bio]
Ivano Fleurisa [Bio]
Ivan of Agatestone [Bio]
Ivan of Fergovia [Bio]
Ivan of Holcroft (1894) [Bio]
Ivan of Lenoken [Bio]
Ivan of Matalona [Bio]
Ivan of Mirasol [Bio]
Ivan of Pickle Hill [Bio]
Ivan of Rebma [Bio]
Ivan of Roseau [Bio]
Ivan of Sorva [Bio]
Ivan of Tolstoi (Can?) [Bio]
Ivan of Valeska [Bio]
Ivanoff's Czarina Irynka [Bio]
Ivanoff's Czarina Irynka II [Bio]
Ivanoff's Czarina Natalya [Bio]
Ivanoff's Czarina Natasha [Bio]
Ivanoff's Czarina Natasha II [Bio]
Ivanoff Ot Wolka [Bio]
Ivanoff (Rockwood-kennels) [Bio]
Ivanoff du Ziezeghem [Bio]
Ivanoff of Obskaya [Bio]
Ivanoff of Rydens [Bio]
Ivanoff v Troybhiko [Bio]
Ivanos v Lentevreugde [Bio]
Ivanov The Old Farm [Bio]
Ivanovich Glinsky [Bio]
Ivanovitch [Bio]
Ivanovitch Aram Von Joseph [Bio]
Ivanovitch Demetrie [Bio]
Ivanovitch Von Goldhof [Bio]
Ivanovitch de la Certenue [Bio]
Ivanovitch de la Vallee d'Ize [Bio]
Ivanovitch of Glenwild [Bio]
Ivanovitch of Marbob [Bio]
Ivanovna de Laika des Tsars [Bio]
Ivanov of Volga [Bio]
Ivanowitsch Alexander [Bio]
Ivan v Bergland [Bio]
Ivan v Tajmyr [Bio]
Ivan v d Efteling [Bio]
Ivan v d Graalsburg [Bio]
Ivan v d Warnow [Bio]
Ivan von Streckof [Bio]
Ivanya Von Goldhof [Bio]
Ivar Sakhaarovich Of Kharma [Bio]
Ivar's Tsar Sovboda [Bio]
Ivarin of Addlestone [Bio]
Ivarov Bereshin Aristion Bohemia [Bio]
Ivashko Medvedko [Bio]
Ivegill's Lady Afrodite [Bio]
Ivegill's Lady Agrippa [Bio]
Ivegill's Lady Amor [Bio]
Ivegill's Lady Anemone [Bio]
Ivegill's Lady Angelina Amiskaja [Bio]
Ivegill's Lady Atena [Bio]
Ivegill's Lady Aurora [Bio]
Ivegill's Lady Autumn Birch [Bio]
Ivegill's Lady Autumn Hazel [Bio]
Ivegill's Lady Autumn Maple [Bio]
Ivegill's Lady Easter Flower [Bio]
Ivegill's Lady Easter Gift [Bio]
Ivegill's Lady Easter Willow [Bio]
Ivegill's Lady Easter Witch [Bio]
Ivegill's Lady Gismo [Bio]
Ivegill's Lady Gladys [Bio]
Ivegill's Lady Goldiva [Bio]
Ivegill's Lady Lihnya [Bio]
Ivegill's Lady Ludmilla [Bio]
Ivegill's Lady Lupinska [Bio]
Ivegill's Lady Metaxa [Bio]
Ivegill's Lady Moonqueen [Bio]
Ivegill's Lady Mystic Amber [Bio]
Ivegill's Lady Of Ladies [Bio]
Ivegill's Lady Parfait Amor [Bio]
Ivegill's Lady Red Velvet [Bio]
Ivegill's Lady Sanna [Bio]
Ivegill's Lady Summer Sunbeam [Bio]
Ivegill's Lady Summer Sundream [Bio]
Ivegill's Lady Susie [Bio]
Ivegill's Lady Tequila [Bio]
Ivegill's Lady Trinity [Bio]
Ivegill's Lord Akilles [Bio]
Ivegill's Lord Amaretto [Bio]
Ivegill's Lord Apollon [Bio]
Ivegill's Lord Apricot King [Bio]
Ivegill's Lord Autumn Glow [Bio]
Ivegill's Lord Autumn Leaf [Bio]
Ivegill's Lord Beefeater [Bio]
Ivegill's Lord Campari [Bio]
Ivegill's Lord Dubonnet [Bio]
Ivegill's Lord Easter Bunny [Bio]
Ivegill's Lord Easter Feather [Bio]
Ivegill's Lord Easter Maxim [Bio]
Ivegill's Lord Easter Poacher [Bio]
Ivegill's Lord Easter Twig [Bio]
Ivegill's Lord Galliano [Bio]
Ivegill's Lord Irish Cream [Bio]
Ivegill's Lord Leopold [Bio]
Ivegill's Lord Lobjanko [Bio]
Ivegill's Lord Love Sacha [Bio]
Ivegill's Lord Lucifer [Bio]
Ivegill's Lord Magic Moon [Bio]
Ivegill's Lord Magic Red [Bio]
Ivegill's Lord Moonlight [Bio]
Ivegill's Lord Moonrock [Bio]
Ivegill's Lord Moonshadow [Bio]
Ivegill's Lord Moonsilver [Bio]
Ivegill's Lord Moonwalk [Bio]
Ivegill's Lord Red Miracle [Bio]
Ivegill's Lord Scarlet Pimpernel [Bio]
Ivegill's Lord Simon [Bio]
Ivegill's Lord Sinclair [Bio]
Ivegill's Lord Spirit [Bio]
Ivegill's Lord Super Star [Bio]
Ivenhoe [Bio]
Ivo Rasmus [Bio]
Ivolga [SUV-II-BP] [Bio]
Ivolga of Addlestone [Bio]
Ivon of Lazy Acres [Bio]
Ivon v Lentevreugde [Bio]
Ivon v Leuvenhoff [Bio]
Ivon v Vredewold [Bio]
Ivor O'Valley Farm [Bio]
Ivor Postrel O'Valley Farm [Bio]
Ivor aus der Taiga [Bio]
Ivorska O'Valley Farm [Bio]
Ivo v Silberhof [Bio]
Ivo v St Mauritius [Bio]
Iwan [Bio]
Iwan (1897) [Bio]
Iwan Almaska [Bio]
Iwan Bijtschkow [Bio]
Iwan (Boer) [Bio]
Iwan Bonon [Bio]
Iwan (By Iwan) [Bio]
Iwan (DWZB 1808) [Bio]
Iwan (DWZB 2330) [Bio]
Iwan-Demoschenko v Bakalmarov [Bio]
Iwan Ellebeank [Bio]
Iwan (Fischer) [Bio]
Iwan-Fjodor Ruchieng Beauty Dogs [Bio]
Iwan Flower [Bio]
Iwan (Frenner) [Bio]
Iwan Gelria [Bio]
Iwan (Gollmar) [Bio]
Iwan Grotius [Bio]
Iwan (Hartmann) [Bio]
Iwan (Huscha) [Bio]
Iwan II (Almay?) [Bio]
Iwan II Sieg [Bio]
Iwan II (no DWZB number) [Bio]
Iwan II v d Hirschlache (alt Wully) [Bio]
Iwan I Sieg [Bio]
Iwan I (by Irma) [Bio]
Iwan Iline [Bio]
Iwan Imladris [Bio]
Iwan Incognitus (ex de Stoppelheide) [Bio]
Iwan Ismailoff [Bio]
Iwan I v Königssee [Bio]
Iwan Iwanowitsj v Troybhiko [Bio]
Iwan Iwanowska v.d. Pegnitz [Bio]
Iwan (Klessens) [Bio]
Iwan (Koerstgens) [Bio]
Iwan (Kox) (76) [Bio]
Iwan (Kox) (77) [Bio]
Iwan Krasnoje Selo [Bio]
Iwan (Kulpe) (alt Jwan) [Bio]
Iwan Moja Gordost [Bio]
Iwan (Müller) [Bio]
Iwan Ossani [Bio]
Iwan (Ostorp) [Bio]
Iwan (Penders) [Bio]
Iwan (Reschke) [Bio]
Iwan Rostow [Bio]
Iwan Saratow [Bio]
Iwan Sascha [Bio]
Iwan Saulgau [Bio]
Iwan Schalla [Bio]
Iwan Schwarzwaldau [Bio]
Iwan (Sedlatzek) [Bio]
Iwan (Sethe) [Bio]
Iwan Sibir [Bio]
Iwan Thorn [Bio]
Iwan Ural [Bio]
Iwan Verzara's Hof [Bio]
Iwan Vikingborg [Bio]
Iwan Weissenburg [Bio]
Iwan Wjatka zu Glückauf-Braunsfeld [Bio]
Iwan Wladimir [Bio]
Iwan Zjoltaja Krasota [Bio]
Iwana-Janina v Uruslinental [Bio]
Iwan aus der Taiga [Bio]
Iwan (by Nayau de Newa) [Bio]
Iwan (by Udaf) [Bio]
Iwanda v d Pess [Bio]
Iwan de Veenbeiltjes [Bio]
Iwando (Ooyman) [Bio]
Iwandold (vanLeeuwen) [Bio]
Iwanja aus dem Zarenreich [Bio]
Iwanka (Spaink) [Bio]
Iwanko (Hoogma) [Bio]
Iwanko v Borjoschka [Bio]
Iwanko v Troybhiko [Bio]
Iwanko v d Rustende Jager [Bio]
Iwann Zelony Sjum [Bio]
Iwanna Du Zwaenhock O'Valley Farm) [Bio]
Iwanos (Betzold) [Bio]
Iwanoff (Dijkstra) [Bio]
Iwanoff Ismailoff Krasnoje Selo [Bio]
Iwanoff (Strachwitz) [Bio]
Iwanoff is Slonowaja [Bio]
Iwanoff v Bergland [Bio]
Iwanoff v Mühlrain [Bio]
Iwanoff v Troybhiko(68) [Bio]
Iwanoff v Troybhiko (79) [Bio]
Iwanoff v d Hirschlache [Bio]
Iwanoff von Mitsjoerinsk [Bio]
Iwanos v Petranoff [Bio]
Iwanov v Troybhiko [Bio]
Iwanow II (Tscherkess x Sonja) [Bio]
Iwanowa v Bischofsteich [Bio]
Iwanowitch (Veldman) [Bio]
Iwanowitsch (Gerrits) [Bio]
Iwanowitsch v Drogobits [Bio]
Iwanowna v d Adelweelde [Bio]
Iwanow v Piroschka [Bio]
Iwan ter Hofstedte [Bio]
Iwantowski (Tullenaar) [Bio]
Iwanusjka v Troybhiko [Bio]
Iwan v Bocksfelde [Bio]
Iwan v Buchental [Bio]
Iwan v Drogobits [Bio]
Iwan v Falkenhorst [Bio]
Iwan v Gofrednel [Bio]
Iwan v Gut Oberndorf-Streitberg [Bio]
Iwan v Heckensprung [Bio]
Iwan v Heldenhain [Bio]
Iwan v Iwanoff [Bio]
Iwan v Kimcha (83) [Bio]
Iwan v Kimcha (85) [Bio]
Iwan v Königsforst [Bio]
Iwan v Königsgarten [Bio]
Iwan v Lentevreugde [Bio]
Iwan v Lewanoff [Bio]
Iwan v Maransart [Bio]
Iwan (v Morse) [Bio]
Iwan v Mühlrain [Bio]
Iwan v Oldebert [Bio]
Iwan v Oranje [Bio]
Iwan (v Orsouw) [Bio]
Iwan v Samarkand [Bio]
Iwan v Sjeco [Bio]
Iwan v Sollten [Bio]
Iwan v Sonjasheim [Bio]
Iwan v St Mauritius [Bio]
Iwan v Teufelssee [Bio]
Iwan v Triumfus Dyonisos [Bio]
Iwan v Troybhiko [Bio]
Iwan v Vredewold [Bio]
Iwan v Waldeck am Perlacher Forst [Bio]
Iwan v Wisinskaja [Bio]
Iwan v d Burg Trausnitz [Bio]
Iwan v d Emelenberg [Bio]
Iwan v d Groote Heeze [Bio]
Iwan v d Hirschlache [Bio]
Iwan v d Jachthoeve [Bio]
Iwan v d Müritz [Bio]
Iwan v d Reigershoek [Bio]
Iwan v d Sabatchnaja Izba [Bio]
Iwan v d Sportklause [Bio]
Iwan v d Veldjagertjes [Bio]
Iwan v d Windsburg [Bio]
Iwan v d Zilverstrand [Bio]
Iwan v h Gouden Anker [Bio]
Iwan v 't Wijnmeer [Bio]
Iward v Lentevreugde [Bio]
Iwein v Silberhof [Bio]
Iwo Rasmus [Bio]
Iwo Wotun [Bio]
Iwo v Fasanengarten [Bio]
Iwo v Königsforst [Bio]
Iwo v Samarkand [Bio]
Iwuschka v Piroschka [Bio]
Ix-Xi All The Rage Too [Bio]
Ix-Xi D'Artagnan Of Teine [Bio]
Ix-Xi Dare To Dream Again [Bio]
Ix-Xi Demigoddess At Teine [Bio]
Ix-Xi Sexy Lil Beyotch [Bio]
Ixandra v Kozakstam [Bio]
Ixia of the Big Blacky [Bio]
Iyen Gar's Bliss [Bio]
Iyengar's Adonis of Tergenoff [Bio]
Iyengar's Anu Of Chataqua [Bio]
Iyengars Arjuna of Chataqua [Bio]
Iyengars Bistri of Turgenoff [Bio]
Iyengar's Blitz Of Omistar [Bio]
Iyengar's Buddy Of Omistar [Bio]
Iyengar's Cleo of Tergenoff [Bio]
Iyengars Diva [Bio]
Iyengar's Fay [Bio]
Iyengar's Heather [Bio]
Iyengar's Helena [Bio]
Iyengar's Hera [Bio]
Iyengar's Hercules [Bio]
Iyengar's Hilary [Bio]
Iyengar's Hodaviah [Bio]
Iyengar's Inder [Bio]
Iyengar's Ishwar [Bio]
Iyengar's Jewel [Bio]
Iyengar's Lakshmi [Bio]
Iyengar's Lana [Bio]
Iyengar's Lars [Bio]
Iyengar's Lohit [Bio]
Izar v Vredewold [Bio]
Izhma of Kranjcevich [Bio]
Izjaslav v Troybhiko [Bio]
Izljot (NL?) [Bio]
Izmail Twin Elms [Bio]
Izmira Blanca Barzet [Bio]
Izod's Christian Dior [Bio]
Izod's Emma Peel [Bio]
Izod's Gumshoes [Bio]
Izod's Magnum [Bio]
Izod's Mannix [Bio]
Izod's Midnight Ryder [Bio]
Izod's Stardancer [Bio]
Izvest's Arizona at Evensong [Bio]
Izvestia's Andrei Bukin [Bio]
Izvestia's Andreya [Bio]
Izvestia's Ankara [Bio]
Izvestia Asgard Correcaminos [Bio]
Izvestia's Ashkenzay [Bio]
Izvestia Casimir Androv [Bio]
Izvestia Danica [Bio]
Izvestia Danica Tobore [Bio]
Izvestia Delarca Tarakanova [Bio]
Izvestia Druzhinin [Bio]
Izvestia Druzhinin Tobore [Bio]
Izvestia's Forever Phoenix [Bio]
Izvestia's Mojave of Asgard [Bio]
Izvestia Sabrina Of Kostenov [Bio]
Izvestia Sonora [Bio]
Izvestia Tobiyana Kostenov [Bio]