Borzoi Heritage Webped pedigree of: Phantom Lake's Golden Sabre male AKC HC584549 1978-06-08 wh gold COI: 11.3664937% [Bio]

parents grandparents gg-parents ggg-parents gggg-parents
for more info, set mouse on name
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Am AKC Ch Sirhan Tamaroff
wh sbl | AKC HC108500 CKC| 1971-08-14| COI: 7.8597206%%
[Ped] [Bio]
Am AKC Can Ch Sirhan Wilolea Teryoshka
rd sble wh | AKC HB228930| 1969-04-25| COI: 8.8603562%%
[Ped] [Bio]
Am AKC Ch Adage Duncan CD
wh and golden | AKC HA789417| 1965-10-17| COI: 10.1033733%%
[Ped] [Bio]
Am AKC Ch Moon Hawk of Malora
gold wht trim | AKC H972350| 1959-02-22| COI: 12.8229516%%
[Ped] [Bio]
Winjones Paskoss (Eng) [Ped] [Bio] Eng Ch Winjones Ermolai [Ped] [Bio]
Winjones Dunyashka [Ped] [Bio]
Am AKC Ch Zelda Shaun of Malor CD [Ped] [Bio] Barinoff Ambassador [Ped] [Bio]
Lucky Lady of Barnaigh [Ped] [Bio]
Sunbarr Dark Angel of Malora
wh blk mkgs | AKC HA505560| 1963-03-20| COI: 11.3981381%%
[Ped] [Bio]
Malora's Blaise of Sunbarr [Ped] [Bio] Ilja v Bergland (Ger>US) [Ped] [Bio]
Bright of Barnaigh (Eng>US) [Ped] [Bio]
Twilight of Sunbarr Ranch [Ped] [Bio] Am AKC Ch Sunbarr's Bengal Lancer CDX [Ped] [Bio]
Solo of Barnaigh [Ped] [Bio]
Springett Shere Vanity
wh | AKC HA820103 [Ped] [Bio]
Springett Copper Beech
drk rd sbl wh | KCR 1091AX >Swed| 1961-12-21| COI: 14.5074788%%
[Ped] [Bio]
Reyas Ringer [Ped] [Bio] Rydens Periwinkle of Hindham [Ped] [Bio]
Eng Ch Reyas Sandra [Ped] [Bio]
Kara of Whitelilies [Ped] [Bio] Marcellus of Fortrouge [Ped] [Bio]
Seraphine of Whitelilies [Ped] [Bio]
Springett Sable Gown
| +KCR| 1963-03-28| COI: 13.5838075%%
[Ped] [Bio]
Springett Chinnor Zorro [Ped] [Bio] Barthill Feodorovitch [Ped] [Bio]
Melfren Machita [Ped] [Bio]
Kara of Whitelilies [Ped] [Bio] Marcellus of Fortrouge [Ped] [Bio]
Seraphine of Whitelilies [Ped] [Bio]
Am AKC Can Ch Sirhan Pleshka
wh ag hd | AKC HB452176 CKC| 1968-04-29| COI: 3.21305%%
[Ped] [Bio]
Sirhan Podar of Sunbarr
wh blk dil tn | AKC HA879310 >CKC| 1966-05-06| COI: 19.7962093%%
[Ped] [Bio]
Malora's Bede of Sunbarr
blk and wh | AKC HA245392| 1961-03-28| COI: 2.5483381%%
[Ped] [Bio]
Ilja v Bergland (Ger>US) [Ped] [Bio] Int Ch Polongai Porchai Krasnoje Selo [Ped] [Bio]
Enke v Bergland [Ped] [Bio]
Bright of Barnaigh (Eng>US) [Ped] [Bio] Eng Ch Reyas Romancer [Ped] [Bio]
Eng Ch Onyx of Barnaigh [Ped] [Bio]
Kaskade of Sunbarr Ranch
wh blk mkgs | AKC HA779603| 1964-02-05| COI: 13.0579367%%
[Ped] [Bio]
Wotan of Sunbarr Ranch [Ped] [Bio] Wotan Krasnoje Selo (Ned>US) [Ped] [Bio]
Alicia of Sunbarr Ranch [Ped] [Bio]
Malora's Bianca of Sunbarr [Ped] [Bio] Ilja v Bergland (Ger>US) [Ped] [Bio]
Bright of Barnaigh (Eng>US) [Ped] [Bio]
Am AKC Can Ch Sirhan Tatyana
| AKC HA653824 CKC| 1964-12-11| COI: 2.2397657%%
[Ped] [Bio]
Am AKC Can Ch Topaze
| AKC H862637| 0-0-0| COI: 10.474271%%
[Ped] [Bio]
Shasa's Sensation [Ped] [Bio] Am AKC Ch Yelmorb Kolchak [Ped] [Bio]
Sophia [AKC 1953] [Ped] [Bio]
Alcyone Delvos [Ped] [Bio] Atlas [Ped] [Bio]
Princess Sylvia of Millvale [Ped] [Bio]
Am AKC Can Ch Antigone of Tyree
wh ag | AKC HA079398| 1959-04-28| COI: 15.2629531%%
[Ped] [Bio]
CanCh Kuban's Kuzma (Eng>Can) CD [Ped] [Bio] Curio of Fortrouge [Ped] [Bio]
Kuban's Mantilla of Yof [Ped] [Bio]
CanCh Prunella of Fortrouge [Ped] [Bio] Marcellus of Fortrouge [Ped] [Bio]
Winjones Radonga [Ped] [Bio]
Phantom Lake's Golden Sabre male AKC HC584549 1978-06-08 wh gold COI: 11.3664937% [Bio]
Windy Hills Legacy Lenore +
blk tn wh * | AKC HB584739| 1971-01-24| COI: 7.780745%%
[Ped] [Bio]
Eng AKC Can Ch Zomahli Evolgo (Eng>US)
wh blk | HA795426 KCR1506AX| 1963-03-21| COI: 21.8166258%%
[Ped] [Bio]
Zomahli Dyasha
white black | KCR 2402AT| 1958-12-12| COI: 14.0624181%%
[Ped] [Bio]
Zahedi of Carradale
gr brdl | KCR 1170AR| 1956-10-24| COI: 7.9718569%%
[Ped] [Bio]
Horst of Woodcourt [Ped] [Bio] Eng Ch Apex of Woodcourt [Ped] [Bio]
Kismet v Bergland (Ger>Eng) [Ped] [Bio]
Eng Ch Zadiah of Carradale [Ped] [Bio] Eng Ch Winjones Ermolai [Ped] [Bio]
Zola of Carradale [Ped] [Bio]
Eng Ch Zomahli Nadia
wh blk tn spts | KCR 412AP| 1954-05-26| COI: 16.1470517%%
[Ped] [Bio]
Gay Cavalier of Yadasar [Ped] [Bio] Eng Ch Winjones Ermolai [Ped] [Bio]
Eng Ch Winjones Bolshaia [Ped] [Bio]
Lady Nadia of Aberwynd [Ped] [Bio] Nasha of Yof [Ped] [Bio]
Betty of Beetop [Ped] [Bio]
Eng Ch Zavist of Carradale
blk tn wh trim | KCR 2231AQ| 1956-10-24| COI: 7.9718569%%
[Ped] [Bio]
Horst of Woodcourt
| +KCR| 1951-10-23| COI: 2.6457743%%
[Ped] [Bio]
Eng Ch Apex of Woodcourt [Ped] [Bio] Eng Ch Eglon of Rydens [Ped] [Bio]
Carissima of Woodcourt [Ped] [Bio]
Kismet v Bergland (Ger>Eng) [Ped] [Bio] Rasswet's Fanal [Ped] [Bio]
See note Fialka v Bergland [Ped] [Bio]
Eng Ch Zadiah of Carradale
self brin wh pts | KCR 825AM| 1952-10-02| COI: 14.101695%%
[Ped] [Bio]
Eng Ch Winjones Ermolai [Ped] [Bio] Eng Ch Winjones Ataman [Ped] [Bio]
Winjones Jiffy of Nenefen [Ped] [Bio]
Zola of Carradale [Ped] [Bio] Luke of The Valdaihills [Ped] [Bio]
Czarina of Burnage [Ped] [Bio]
Sunbarr's Domini of Windy Hill
wh blk mkgs | AKC HA818929| 1966-05-06| COI: 19.7962093%%
[Ped] [Bio]
Malora's Bede of Sunbarr
blk and wh | AKC HA245392| 1961-03-28| COI: 2.5483381%%
[Ped] [Bio]
Ilja v Bergland (Ger>US)
wh and rd | AKC HA057897| 1958-04-13| COI: 7.9108743%%
[Ped] [Bio]
Int Ch Polongai Porchai Krasnoje Selo [Ped] [Bio] Durak Deljanoff Krasnoje Selo [Ped] [Bio]
See note Moja Krasnoje Selo [Ped] [Bio]
Enke v Bergland [Ped] [Bio] Yukon v Bergland [Ped] [Bio]
Ger Ch Charis v Bismarkturm [Ped] [Bio]
Bright of Barnaigh (Eng>US)
wh blk mkgs | AKC H703596 KCR| 1955-08-31| COI: 22.3496788%%
[Ped] [Bio]
Eng Ch Reyas Romancer [Ped] [Bio] Reyas Mende [Ped] [Bio]
Winjones Akulina [Ped] [Bio]
Eng Ch Onyx of Barnaigh [Ped] [Bio] Eng Ch Winjones Ataman [Ped] [Bio]
Natasha of Barnaigh [Ped] [Bio]
Kaskade of Sunbarr Ranch
wh blk mkgs | AKC HA779603| 1964-02-05| COI: 13.0579367%%
[Ped] [Bio]
Wotan of Sunbarr Ranch
blk wh mkgs | AKC HA454000| 1961-10-05| COI: 12.8160892%%
[Ped] [Bio]
Wotan Krasnoje Selo (Ned>US) [Ped] [Bio] Int Ch Polongai Porchai Krasnoje Selo [Ped] [Bio]
Walholl's Eliwagar [Ped] [Bio]
Alicia of Sunbarr Ranch [Ped] [Bio] Am AKC Ch Tobolzkoi Krasnoje Selo (Ned>US) [Ped] [Bio]
Solo of Barnaigh [Ped] [Bio]
Malora's Bianca of Sunbarr
wh | AKC HA245397| 1961-03-28| COI: 2.5483381%%
[Ped] [Bio]
Ilja v Bergland (Ger>US) [Ped] [Bio] Int Ch Polongai Porchai Krasnoje Selo [Ped] [Bio]
Enke v Bergland [Ped] [Bio]
Bright of Barnaigh (Eng>US) [Ped] [Bio] Eng Ch Reyas Romancer [Ped] [Bio]
Eng Ch Onyx of Barnaigh [Ped] [Bio]
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