parents grandparents gg-parents ggg-parents gggg-parents ggggg-parents
Am Ch Karistan's Pegasus + [Ped] [Bio] AmCn Ch Sirhan Wilolea Teryoshka [Ped] [Bio] Am Ch Adage Duncan CD [Ped] [Bio] Am Ch Moon Hawk of Malora [Ped] [Bio] Winjones Paskoss (Eng) [Ped] [Bio] En Ch Winjones Ermolai [Ped] [Bio]
Winjones Dunyashka [Ped] [Bio]
Am Ch Zelda Shaun of Malor CD [Ped] [Bio] Barinoff Ambassador [Ped] [Bio]
Lucky Lady of Barnaigh [Ped] [Bio]
Sunbarr Dark Angel of Malora [Ped] [Bio] Malora's Blaise of Sunbarr [Ped] [Bio] Ilja v Bergland (Ger>US) [Ped] [Bio]
Bright of Barnaigh (Eng>US) [Ped] [Bio]
Twilight of Sunbarr Ranch [Ped] [Bio] Am Ch Sunbarr's Bengal Lancer CDX [Ped] [Bio]
Solo of Barnaigh [Ped] [Bio]
Springett Shere Vanity [Ped] [Bio] Springett Copper Beech [Ped] [Bio] Reyas Ringer [Ped] [Bio] Rydens Periwinkle of Hindham [Ped] [Bio]
En Ch Reyas Sandra [Ped] [Bio]
Kara of Whitelilies [Ped] [Bio] Marcellus of Fortrouge [Ped] [Bio]
Seraphine of Whitelilies [Ped] [Bio]
Springett Sable Gown [Ped] [Bio] Springett Chinnor Zorro [Ped] [Bio] Barthill Feodorovitch [Ped] [Bio]
Melfren Machita [Ped] [Bio]
Kara of Whitelilies [Ped] [Bio] Marcellus of Fortrouge [Ped] [Bio]
Seraphine of Whitelilies [Ped] [Bio]
Am Ch Keepers Melissa [Ped] [Bio] En Ch Keepers Michaelangelo (Eng>Finn) [Ped] [Bio] En Ch Zomahli Chernila [Ped] [Bio] Zeraph of Carradale [Ped] [Bio] Zaminda of Carradale [Ped] [Bio]
En Ch Zerlina of Carradale [Ped] [Bio]
En Ch Zavist of Carradale [Ped] [Bio] Horst of Woodcourt [Ped] [Bio]
En Ch Zadiah of Carradale [Ped] [Bio]
En Ch Angelola of Enolam [Ped] [Bio] Reyas Ringer [Ped] [Bio] Rydens Periwinkle of Hindham [Ped] [Bio]
En Ch Reyas Sandra [Ped] [Bio]
En Ch Reyas Black Magic [Ped] [Bio] Aksanoff Marcovitch [Ped] [Bio]
Reyas Rusalka [Ped] [Bio]
Falconcrag Ksarina [Ped] [Bio] Barthill Feodorovitch [Ped] [Bio] Aksanoff Marcovitch [Ped] [Bio] En Ch Ivanoff of Rydens [Ped] [Bio]
Winjones Ekaterina [Ped] [Bio]
Lustre of Yadasar [Ped] [Bio] Jonathan of Yadasar [Ped] [Bio]
Bronzmaun Tiara [Ped] [Bio]
Lataband Anita [Ped] [Bio] Marcellus of Fortrouge [Ped] [Bio] En Ch Eglon of Rydens [Ped] [Bio]
Fleur of Fortrouge [Ped] [Bio]
Charmaine of Rydens [Ped] [Bio] Curio of Fortrouge [Ped] [Bio]
Olga of Rydens [Ped] [Bio]
WebPed Pedigree of: Am Ch Karistan's Sir Winston [Ped] [Bio] Born: 4-1-1975 Color: blk wh Sex: male COI: 16.376675%
Karistan's Frecalina [Ped] [Bio] EnAm Ch Zomahli Gordey (Eng>US) [Ped] [Bio] En Ch Black Diamond of Enolam [Ped] [Bio] Reyas Ringer [Ped] [Bio] Rydens Periwinkle of Hindham [Ped] [Bio] Faust of Hindham [Ped] [Bio]
Angelola [Ped] [Bio]
En Ch Reyas Sandra [Ped] [Bio] Jonathan of Yadasar [Ped] [Bio]
Reyas Rosalia [Ped] [Bio]
En Ch Reyas Black Magic [Ped] [Bio] Aksanoff Marcovitch [Ped] [Bio] En Ch Ivanoff of Rydens [Ped] [Bio]
Winjones Ekaterina [Ped] [Bio]
Reyas Rusalka [Ped] [Bio] Dimski of Rydens [Ped] [Bio]
Reyas Rosalia [Ped] [Bio]
Zomahli Nayada [Ped] [Bio] En Ch Zomahli Chernila [Ped] [Bio] Zeraph of Carradale [Ped] [Bio] Zaminda of Carradale [Ped] [Bio]
En Ch Zerlina of Carradale [Ped] [Bio]
En Ch Zavist of Carradale [Ped] [Bio] Horst of Woodcourt [Ped] [Bio]
En Ch Zadiah of Carradale [Ped] [Bio]
En Ch Angelola of Enolam [Ped] [Bio] Reyas Ringer [Ped] [Bio] Rydens Periwinkle of Hindham [Ped] [Bio]
En Ch Reyas Sandra [Ped] [Bio]
En Ch Reyas Black Magic [Ped] [Bio] Aksanoff Marcovitch [Ped] [Bio]
Reyas Rusalka [Ped] [Bio]
Nasha of Karistan [Ped] [Bio] EnAm Ch Springbank Sarno (Eng>US) [Ped] [Bio] Reyas Marquis [Ped] [Bio] En Ch Reyas Rubato [Ped] [Bio] Dimski of Rydens [Ped] [Bio]
Reyas Rosalia [Ped] [Bio]
Reyas Marquista of Astonoff [Ped] [Bio] En Ch Tzar of Astonoff [Ped] [Bio]
En Ch Rydens Destiny of Astonoff [Ped] [Bio]
Reyas Tonya [Ped] [Bio] Rydens Periwinkle of Hindham [Ped] [Bio] Faust of Hindham [Ped] [Bio]
Angelola [Ped] [Bio]
En Ch Reyas Sandra [Ped] [Bio] Jonathan of Yadasar [Ped] [Bio]
Reyas Rosalia [Ped] [Bio]
Am Ch Pupkah Luv of Aristoff [Ped] [Bio] Aristoff's Kyber of Jobi [Ped] [Bio] Am Ch Jobi Rouse [Ped] [Bio] Reyas Renommee [Ped] [Bio]
EnAm Ch Reyas Zoraya of Carradale [Ped] [Bio]
Am Ch Jobi Blaza [Ped] [Bio] White Horse of Whiskey Run [Ped] [Bio]
EnAm Ch Reyas Zoraya of Carradale [Ped] [Bio]
Am Ch Malora's Sparkle of The Don [Ped] [Bio] The Great Alexander of Malora [Ped] [Bio] A Knight To Remember of Malora [Ped] [Bio]
Elegance In Ermine of Malora [Ped] [Bio]
Treasure of Malora [Ped] [Bio] Winjones Paskoss (Eng) [Ped] [Bio]
Am Ch Zelda Shaun of Malor CD [Ped] [Bio]

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