parents |
grandparents |
gg-parents |
ggg-parents |
gggg-parents |
ggggg-parents |
Asmodey O'Valley Farm (US > Ned) [Ped] [Bio] |
Postrel O'Valley Farm [Ped] [Bio] |
Defiance O'Valley Farms [Ped] [Bio] |
Postrel of Woronzova (Russ>US) [Ped] [Bio] |
Pobidim (Russ) [Ped] [Bio] |
not in database |
not in database |
Alyaska Perchino [Ped] [Bio] |
Golub Perchino [Ped] [Bio] |
Strela (By Serdetschny) (Durasoff) [Ped] [Bio] |
Safa O'Valley Farm [Ped] [Bio] |
Am Ch Nenagladni of Perchina (Russ>US) [Ped] [Bio] |
Armavir Perchino (Rus) [Ped] [Bio] |
Podruska Perchino (Russ) [Ped] [Bio] |
Am Ch Sorva of Woronzova (1905) (Russ To Us) [Ped] [Bio] |
Lioubezny (Kousnetzoff) (Russ) [Ped] [Bio] |
Am Ch Rasskida of Woronzova (1905) (Russ) [Ped] [Bio] |
Am Ch Ronia (171585) (1913) also called Roma [Ped] [Bio] |
Am Ch Lasky (1910) [Ped] [Bio] |
Pojar of Toula (1907) (Russ) [Ped] [Bio] |
Abrek Perchino [Ped] [Bio] |
Outechka (Russ) [Ped] [Bio] |
Am Ch Lasca (1906) [Ped] [Bio] |
Am Ch Nenagladni of Perchina (Russ>US) [Ped] [Bio] |
Am Ch Princess Vedma [Ped] [Bio] |
Holmes Sonia [Ped] [Bio] |
Am Ch Obilska (1909) (1906) [Ped] [Bio] |
Am Ch Sorvan O'Valley Farm [Ped] [Bio] |
Valley Farm Hilka [Ped] [Bio] |
Zulika (1905) [Ped] [Bio] |
Ratnick II (1903) [Ped] [Bio] |
Saddle River Staritza [Ped] [Bio] |
Am Ch Ounas O'Valley Farm [Ped] [Bio] |
Zyclon of Perchina [Ped] [Bio] |
Grozny (Perchino) (Russ) [Ped] [Bio] |
not in database |
not in database |
not in database |
not in database |
not in database |
not in database |
Zaplia II (Perchino) (Russ) [Ped] [Bio] |
not in database |
not in database |
not in database |
not in database |
not in database |
not in database |
Olga O'Valley Farm [Ped] [Bio] |
Sarinov O'Valley Farm [Ped] [Bio] |
Am Ch Kopchic O'Valley Farm [Ped] [Bio] |
Am Ch Bistri of Perchina (Russ to US) [Ped] [Bio] |
Schalost (Perchina) (1905)(Russ>Us) [Ped] [Bio] |
Am Ch Sorva of Woronzova (1905) (Russ To Us) [Ped] [Bio] |
Lioubezny (Kousnetzoff) (Russ) [Ped] [Bio] |
Am Ch Rasskida of Woronzova (1905) (Russ) [Ped] [Bio] |
Kankov O'Valley Farm [Ped] [Bio] |
Am Ch Nenagladni of Perchina (Russ>US) [Ped] [Bio] |
Armavir Perchino (Rus) [Ped] [Bio] |
Podruska Perchino (Russ) [Ped] [Bio] |
Valley Farm Hilda (1906) (1910) [Ped] [Bio] |
Am Ch Sorvan O'Valley Farm [Ped] [Bio] |
Valley Farm Hilka [Ped] [Bio] |
WebPed Pedigree of:
Katucha du Zwaenhoek [Ped] [Bio]
Born: 0-0-0 Color: Sex: female COI: 1.3279712%
Bessberk's Annuschka [Ped] [Bio] |
Ajax v Sachsenwald [Ped] [Bio] |
Chack Bielaja [Ped] [Bio] |
Vigow (v d Moritzburg) (Russ no ped) [Ped] [Bio] |
not in database |
not in database |
not in database |
not in database |
not in database |
not in database |
Marza Steinach Bielaja [Ped] [Bio] |
Iwan Thorn [Ped] [Bio] |
Lantar Ohmann (DBZB) [Ped] [Bio] |
Olga (Imperator Rex?) [Ped] [Bio] |
Cora (Pirmasens) [Ped] [Bio] |
Iwan Weissenburg [Ped] [Bio] |
Sascha Pirmasens [Ped] [Bio] |
Ger Ch Isma Beresina [Ped] [Bio] |
Ger Ch Bedin Alexandroff [Ped] [Bio] |
En Ch Ramsden Ranger (Eng>Ger) [Ped] [Bio] |
En Ch Padiham Nordia [Ped] [Bio] |
Dainty [KCSB 1903] [Ped] [Bio] |
Underwood Tusha (Eng>Ger) [Ped] [Bio] |
En Ch Kieff [KCSB 1901] [Ped] [Bio] |
White Queen [Ped] [Bio] |
Mara Slava [Ped] [Bio] |
Ger Ch Rurik Ural [Ped] [Bio] |
Ger Ch Nachal Wuttki (DBZB 118) [Ped] [Bio] |
Dara Sieg Ural [Ped] [Bio] |
Xenia Moja Gordost [Ped] [Bio] |
Ger Ch Aral (1905) (Eng>Ned>Ger>US) [Ped] [Bio] |
Phrynée du Ziezeghem [Ped] [Bio] |
Ger Ch Aliasska Nikolskoi (OFV)(Ger>US) wh rd & tn [Ped] [Bio] |
Ger Ch Asmodey Perchino (Sieger - DWZ 508) [Ped] [Bio] |
Armavir Perchino (Rus) [Ped] [Bio] |
Golub Perchino [Ped] [Bio] |
not in database |
not in database |
Strela (By Serdetschny) (Durasoff) [Ped] [Bio] |
Serdyetschny (Vassilchikoff)(1891>Perch) [Ped] [Bio] |
Vyuga (Waltzoff From Sokoloff) [Ped] [Bio] |
Jalta Perchino (Russ) [Ped] [Bio] |
not in database |
not in database |
not in database |
not in database |
not in database |
not in database |
Ger Ch Ptitschka Perchino (Rus) [Ped] [Bio] |
Masskok Perchino (Russ) [Ped] [Bio] |
Grassny I Perchino (Russ) [Ped] [Bio] |
not in database |
not in database |
Nega Furst Schimisky Schminakoff (Russ) [Ped] [Bio] |
not in database |
not in database |
Porhouschka Perchino (Russ) [Ped] [Bio] |
Popedin Perchino (Russ) [Ped] [Bio] |
not in database |
not in database |
Aliasska Perchino (Russ) [Ped] [Bio] |
not in database |
not in database |