parents grandparents gg-parents ggg-parents gggg-parents ggggg-parents
Khaiber Khan's Altan [Ped] [Bio] Askan aus dem Zarenreich [Ped] [Bio] InCh Xosip v Troybhiko [Ped] [Bio] InCh Troyka v Borjoschka [Ped] [Bio] Kosak Alexander (Ger>Ned) [Ped] [Bio] InCh Curac v Römerhügel [Ped] [Bio]
InCh Edonette Alexander [Ped] [Bio]
Joscha Wilkaja (Ger>Ned) [Ped] [Bio] Don v Isenburg [Ped] [Bio]
Grischa Wilkaja [Ped] [Bio]
Salva's Beare [Ped] [Bio] Casko v Brisonka [Ped] [Bio] Lord (Vöhringer) [Ped] [Bio]
InCh Brigit v d Jachthoeve [Ped] [Bio]
Salva's Amare [Ped] [Bio] Wjoega v Drogobits(64) [Ped] [Bio]
Maruschka's Annoeschka v Freybourgh [Ped] [Bio]
Mumtaz Mahal's Mischka [Ped] [Bio] Mumtaz Mahal's Hoggay [Ped] [Bio] Zarewitsch Springinsfeld [Ped] [Bio] InCh Chico v Brisonka [Ped] [Bio]
Contessa Springinsfeld [Ped] [Bio]
Enoika v St Mauritius [Ped] [Bio] Odessa's Istvan [Ped] [Bio]
Bialka v St Mauritius (Bielka?) [Ped] [Bio]
InCh Mumtaz Mahal's Katuschka [Ped] [Bio] Elkan v Oranje [Ped] [Bio] InCh Jablochkov des Mariettes [Ped] [Bio]
Armina v Ararat [Ped] [Bio]
Mumtaz Mahal's Ankyra [Ped] [Bio] Erasskai is Slonowaja [Ped] [Bio]
Diana v St Mauritius [Ped] [Bio]
Asuna v Hagenow [Ped] [Bio] not in database not in database not in database not in database
not in database
not in database not in database
not in database
not in database not in database not in database
not in database
not in database not in database
not in database
not in database not in database not in database not in database
not in database
not in database not in database
not in database
not in database not in database not in database
not in database
not in database not in database
not in database
WebPed Pedigree of: Lara aus dem Zarenreich [Ped] [Bio] Born: 4-15-1980 Color: silvergrey mantel Sex: female COI: 6.8267648%
Laika v d Solitude [Ped] [Bio] InCh Mumtaz Mahal's Gajan [Ped] [Bio] Elkan v Oranje [Ped] [Bio] InCh Jablochkov des Mariettes [Ped] [Bio] Fyodor des Barines [Ped] [Bio] Ger Ch Charburn Rimski (Eng > Fr) [Ped] [Bio]
Almaska (Sigaux) [Ped] [Bio]
Douchka des Mariettes [Ped] [Bio] FrenchCh Asmodey de Morton Hall [Ped] [Bio]
Yrina de Morton Hall [Ped] [Bio]
Armina v Ararat [Ped] [Bio] Ajesch v d Fröschen [Ped] [Bio] Gregor v Nägelsee [Ped] [Bio]
Bronka (Teichmann) [Ped] [Bio]
Cora v Oranje [Ped] [Bio] Brunoazky v Renlustweelde [Ped] [Bio]
Eskaja v d Pelsjager [Ped] [Bio]
Mumtaz Mahal's Ankyra [Ped] [Bio] Erasskai is Slonowaja [Ped] [Bio] InCh Alexis of Swanlake (US>Swiss) [Ped] [Bio] Kimita Kazan of Malora CD [Ped] [Bio]
Swanlake Kasma of Malora [Ped] [Bio]
InCh Natascha des Essertons [Ped] [Bio] InCh Polongai Porchai Krasnoje Selo [Ped] [Bio]
Fleurette V Bergland [Ped] [Bio]
Diana v St Mauritius [Ped] [Bio] Aldon v Soltekamp [Ped] [Bio] Alba v d Priemerschen Heide [Ped] [Bio]
Aqua v Westerfeld [Ped] [Bio]
Vita Wergei [Ped] [Bio] TldCNote Xakor Wergei [Ped] [Bio]
Silla Wergei [Ped] [Bio]
Mumtaz Mahal's Jezerka [Ped] [Bio] Zarewitsch Springinsfeld [Ped] [Bio] InCh Chico v Brisonka [Ped] [Bio] Lord (Vöhringer) [Ped] [Bio] Lord v d Wildbahn [Ped] [Bio]
Anka Hel Jagers-Meute [Ped] [Bio]
InCh Brigit v d Jachthoeve [Ped] [Bio] Ethos v d Pelsjager [Ped] [Bio]
Anjuschka v d Jachthoeve [Ped] [Bio]
Contessa Springinsfeld [Ped] [Bio] Czardas v Waldeck [Ped] [Bio] Ballo v Waldeck [Ped] [Bio]
Jasnaja v Badersee [Ped] [Bio]
InCh Odessa's Maruschka [Ped] [Bio] Tichij Don Boris [Ped] [Bio]
InCh Odessa's Njeba [Ped] [Bio]
Diana v St Mauritius [Ped] [Bio] Aldon v Soltekamp [Ped] [Bio] Alba v d Priemerschen Heide [Ped] [Bio] Elard v Silberhof [Ped] [Bio]
Cita (USSR) [Ped] [Bio]
Aqua v Westerfeld [Ped] [Bio] St Nicol's Dschaschan [Ped] [Bio]
St Nicol's Carmen [Ped] [Bio]
Vita Wergei [Ped] [Bio] TldCNote Xakor Wergei [Ped] [Bio] Pertsch Wergei [Ped] [Bio]
Silla Wergei [Ped] [Bio]
Silla Wergei [Ped] [Bio] Alix v Pedina [Ped] [Bio]
Marsilla Wergei [Ped] [Bio]

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