parents grandparents gg-parents ggg-parents gggg-parents ggggg-parents
InCh Raspoutine de le Plaine du Luzais [Ped] [Bio] Cheik de la Polinka [Ped] [Bio] InCh Zloi de la Polianka [Ped] [Bio] Picasso de Bolshoy (Can > Belg) [Ped] [Bio] Am Ch Duncan's Shandan of Lazy Acres [Ped] [Bio] Am Ch Adage Duncan CD [Ped] [Bio]
Am Ch Ballet Duncan [Ped] [Bio]
CnCh Sirhan Sokolka [Ped] [Bio] AmCn Ch Sirhan Kaissack [Ped] [Bio]
AmCn Ch Antigone of Tyree [Ped] [Bio]
InCh Tayga de la Polianka [Ped] [Bio] Wjoega v Drogobits(64) [Ped] [Bio] Kretschet (USSR>Ned)(USSR MOOnr23337) [Ped] [Bio]
Briasky Wilma v Lewanoff [Ped] [Bio]
Medie v Borjoschka [Ped] [Bio] Iwan v d Zilverstrand [Ped] [Bio]
Anuschka v Borjoschka [Ped] [Bio]
Yalta de la Polianka [Ped] [Bio] Boris of Rising Star (Us>Belg) [Ped] [Bio] Am Ch Llebasi's Prince O'Lutolf [Ped] [Bio] Am Ch Akim Saba of Wolfschmidtzoff [Ped] [Bio]
Sascha Duchesse Narischkin [Ped] [Bio]
AmCn Ch Q'Blietzka Des Balalaikas [Ped] [Bio] FrenchCh Kamenetz Pascovitch De Morton Hall (Fr) [Ped] [Bio]
Oasis De Bois Fontenelle [Ped] [Bio]
Uliana de Morton Hall [Ped] [Bio] Igor of Matalona [Ped] [Bio] Igorof Iochum (Nor>Finn>Eng) [Ped] [Bio]
Matalona Amanda Of Greenhaven [Ped] [Bio]
Ozo Kazanova de Morton Hall [Ped] [Bio] Kazan Pascovitch de Morton Hall [Ped] [Bio]
Maroussia de Syr Daria [Ped] [Bio]
Venuska de Mombel [Ped] [Bio] Ronitz des Mariettes [Ped] [Bio] Narik des Mariettes [Ped] [Bio] Barabon is Slonowaja [Ped] [Bio] InCh Batruk v d Hatz [Ped] [Bio]
Carmen v Minsk (SHSB 1957) [Ped] [Bio]
Ida des Mariettes [Ped] [Bio] Copek De L'Ar Vro Goz (Fr) [Ped] [Bio]
Dionee II Des Mariettes (Fr) [Ped] [Bio]
Monka des Mariettes [Ped] [Bio] not in database not in database
not in database
not in database not in database
not in database
Minerve de Mombel [Ped] [Bio] Lihodey Pascovitch de Morton Hall [Ped] [Bio] Pasco of Yadasar (Eng>Fr) [Ped] [Bio] (see note) King's Rhapsody of Yadasar [Ped] [Bio]
En Ch Tessina of Yadasar (Late Tessina) [Ped] [Bio]
Grounia des Barines [Ped] [Bio] Ger Ch Charburn Rimski (Eng > Fr) [Ped] [Bio]
Chaika de Morton Hall [Ped] [Bio]
Kira De Mombel (Fr) [Ped] [Bio] Famouzov d'Ymauville [Ped] [Bio] Dorogoi des Barines [Ped] [Bio]
Ulonka Krasnoje Selo [Ped] [Bio]
Illa des Barines [Ped] [Bio] Bojar v Droskyhof [Ped] [Bio]
Guina des Barines [Ped] [Bio]
WebPed Pedigree of: Volna de la Plaine du Luzais [Ped] [Bio] Born: 2-21-1984 Color: Sex: female COI: 0%
Petrouchka Ukrainia [Ped] [Bio] not in database not in database not in database not in database not in database
not in database
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not in database
not in database not in database not in database
not in database
not in database not in database
not in database
not in database not in database not in database not in database
not in database
not in database not in database
not in database
not in database not in database not in database
not in database
not in database not in database
not in database
not in database not in database not in database not in database not in database
not in database
not in database not in database
not in database
not in database not in database not in database
not in database
not in database not in database
not in database
not in database not in database not in database not in database
not in database
not in database not in database
not in database
not in database not in database not in database
not in database
not in database not in database
not in database

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